Have Video Games Taken Over Your or a Loved One's Life?

Video games. It seems odd to think that one could become addicted to video games, doesn't it? But for many, this is painfully true. How do you know if you're addicted to gaming? It is confusing, to be sure. Gamers have their own culture apart from the mainstream one. I know, as a gamer myself that many who have not played games or find them enjoyable tend to criticize us for our hobby. But sometimes gaming can cause problems. It is often difficult to tell if your gaming habits are problematic, so here are a few signs that may indicate addiction or problematic gaming:

  • Most of your time is spent playing or thinking about games
  • You have missed work, social events, or school due to gaming
  • You spend money on games instead of bare essentials (such as food or rent)
  • You have trouble regulating the amount of money you spend on games or you buy more games than you intend to play
  • People close to you have expressed concerns with your gaming habits
  • Your health or hygiene has declined because of your gaming
  • You lose quality sleep due to gaming more often than not
  • You feel that you have to play games regardless of whether or not you enjoy them
  • You are concerned about your gaming habits and feel helpless to change them
  • You use games as an escape from reality

Now of course, answering, "Yes" to any of these questions does not necessarily mean you are addicted or have a problem. However, it may be worth reevaluating if you have answered, "Yes," to more than one of these symptoms. One of the most often asked questions posed to me in treating gaming-related issues is, "Do I have to quit gaming altogether?" And the answer to this is usually, "Not necessarily." For many people, gaming is part of who we are. We were raised playing games and it is unthinkable for us to give it up. To that end, I see "abstaining" from video games as a last-resort. Instead I prefer to teach my clients skills and habits to moderate game time to a healthier level. As with all of my clients' goals, I strive to work with you rather than against to help you live the life that makes you happiest. As always, if you have any questions, please do contact me and set up a 30-minute "Get-to-know-you" session.