What is depression and what can you do about it?

Depression is one of those tricky things to pin down. When is depression just sadness? When is sadness actually depression? You feel listless and without energy. The things that you used to enjoy doing just aren’t doing it for you anymore. Some days, you just don’t want to get out of bed.

You feel worthless, hopeless, and helpless.

Many people don’t seem to get it. They assume you can just “snap out” of it; as if it were something you can turn on and off. Because it’s invisible, because it is a pain that we experience that cannot be seen, many do not think it is real, that it is something that you have conjured up in your head and that you just need to make it go away.

It’s a confusing and torturous thing to have.

It is with these messages in our heads and our hearts that create conflict within you. People tell you to just pick yourself up and you try, but it doesn’t seem to help. You do everything that your friends and loved ones recommend and you’re still depressed. You put on a brave face, just so you don’t burden yourself to others, but you still hurt.

You feel broken.

Depression is very real and it is something millions of people deal with every day. You are not alone in your fight and the situation is not hopeless. That is where I come in. I help people work through their depression every day. I help people return to those days they remember as being filled with happiness and joy.

How do I do this? I work together with you to challenge those thoughts that are dragging you down. I help you break those negative patterns that are only causing your depression to worsen, day by day. I give you new, healthier tools to use to take back control of your life. Together, we can help you rediscover or redefine what happiness means to you. My goal is to help you reach your goals, whatever they may be.