Mental health resources and groups

Information about services available

Here you'll find a list of resources that are available to the consumer. You will also find here, a list of groups in the Capitol Hill area. Also, keep an eye out for a list of low-cost counselors, coming soon! Resources are provided for informational purposes and I do not claim any affiliation with the individuals and organizations listed.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me via phone or email.

Local support or therapy groups:

  • No events going on at the moment. Please contact me if you'd like to list your event on my website!

Community resources:

  • The Crisis Clinic - A mental health hotline for individuals in crisis. A free, non-profit organization that offers mental health support to the community. Their website has a huge list of community resources. You can reach them directly at any time by calling: 866.4CRISIS (866.427.4747).
  • Sound Mental Health - One of Seattle's largest community mental health clinics. They have locations all across Seattle and generally serve those with severe and persistant mental illnesses with low income.
  • Navos Mental Health Solutions - Another of Seattle's biggest community mental health clinics. Like Sound Mental Health, they serve those with severe and persistant mental illnesses. Locations are placed primarily across the West Seattle area.
  • Asian Counseling Referral Services - A non-profit community service agency primarily dedicated to serving the Asian population in need.
  • Consejo Counseling and Referral Service - A counseling and community advocate service for the Latino community. Like ACRS, Consejo is dedicated to serving those in the Latino community who are in need of assistance.
  • NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Health - A mental health consumer/client advocate group. NAMI was created primarily to help educate the public about the effects of mental illness on the individual sufferer as well as those close to them.
  • Common abbreviations - A list of common initials and abbreviations used by the mental health field. Provided by Counseling Seattle.

Low-cost counselors

This list consists of other counselors who provide sliding scale or pro bono counseling services. The scale differs from counselor to counselor, but generally ranges between $75-$30 per session. These slots are meant for those who are having financial difficulties and cannot afford a full rate. Just as a note, I also provide sliding scale services. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to learn more.